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Worst trope ever!!??!

Jazzy June 9, 2021 10:39 pm

The whole "I have a problem but refuse to communicate with my partner like a normal human being but would rather use a roundabout way that will end up hurting them but its it ok because i can just confess my love or explain why at the end cuz they'll forgive me" is absolute garbage. The person who came up with this trope need a good ass whooping cuz wtf (︶︿︶)=凸.
If someone did this to me, I'm leaving you. I genuinely couldn't care what your reason was because what you're essentially telling me is that whenever theres a problem you're gonna run away and never communicate and I'll always be left in the dark. LIKE HELL ILL ACCEPT THAT......okie I'm done now
ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~. Hope everyone is having a nice day. If you have exams, pls dont be like me and go study. Good luck~~
