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wait I'm confused why are people saying that they are disappointed?? this didn't even star...

nori_ June 9, 2021 3:46 pm

wait I'm confused why are people saying that they are disappointed?? this didn't even start, it seems like is going to be good, i really want to have this kind of story, can someone spoiler me about what is going to happen? please

    e r o sミ™ June 9, 2021 4:28 pm

    because apparently the sword hero isn't actually the mc, I guess it was just showing us the main antagonists story and why he became 'evil'. People are disappointed because they wanted him to be the mc.

    nori_ June 9, 2021 6:41 pm
    because apparently the sword hero isn't actually the mc, I guess it was just showing us the main antagonists story and why he became 'evil'. People are disappointed because they wanted him to be the mc. e r o sミ™

    oooh now i understand thank you, i wanted him to be the protagonist too

    e r o sミ™ June 9, 2021 9:46 pm
    oooh now i understand thank you, i wanted him to be the protagonist too nori_

    Yeah everyone wants a villain mc so it's pretty disappointing