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Kinda mad ngl

Julie June 8, 2021 7:46 pm

Don’t get me wrong I liked the story but the MC is kinda selfish. One he knew the his best friend like him and yet as soon as he gets a boyfriend he’s gushing all over him about it. Two once he fought his boyfriend was cheating on him, his friend was there for him to take care of him and stuff. Three once his friend help him get back together with his boyfriend he didn’t even thank him?? I just feel bad for the Mc best friend he deserves more:(

    ♡ roro ♡ June 9, 2021 10:29 am

    Oh yeah :( i get you, i kinda don't see as selfish that the MC told his best friend about his relationship; they already talked about it, MC didn't feel the same way and it ended up with the two of them agreeing they will continue with their friendship.
    He was a really good supportive friend, helping MC to even solve the problem and start again with his bf, that's how friendship works; BUT I COMPLETELY AGREE about the fact that he didn't get any thanks when that's the thing he really deserved!!

    Julie June 9, 2021 1:41 pm

    Yeah but still kinda sad/mad about the whole thing he deserves a boyfriend (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜