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.... I kinda feel bad for the gf

Hugu June 8, 2021 5:04 pm

.... I kinda feel bad for the gf

    SeeHart Wolfgang June 8, 2021 6:12 pm

    Kinda true but u can see that the gf is a Tad bit self centred in a sense...she even stated how slow her bf was eventho she told the other to take ur time. Like bruh. He's doings stuffs for u. Why u so impatient? And she lowkey like insensitive and selfish. Like ur bf trying his best to make u happy amd all but he's also concentrating on school and his pt job yet u still want to go fancy places and well have seggs more lol bit it's somehow a good thing that they broke up. Our ml knows himself that he can't be trusted and welp. He got off from being low-key raped w consent. (Idk if that exists lol) and he even wanted more. Better breaking off then dating her while cheating with some men over anal seggs. GIRL LOST TO A DICK (REFERENCE FROM HAPOY SHITYY LIFE) lol

    Hugu June 9, 2021 3:07 am
    Kinda true but u can see that the gf is a Tad bit self centred in a sense...she even stated how slow her bf was eventho she told the other to take ur time. Like bruh. He's doings stuffs for u. Why u so impatien... SeeHart Wolfgang

    I dont really feel like shes selfish, I mean she was asked how she felt about their sex life and she answered honestly, and when the bf told her about the research thing she said understand (prolly thats why she did not complain until she was asked about it)

    And her bf was indeed taking long so she just said he is taking long. But when he came out she didnt get mad at him for taking long. I feel like shes a good girl tho yeah her boyfriend breaking up with him might be better for her although the way he broke up seems like a bit jerk, he didnt think twice before breaking up with her.