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it seems Kian/Cain ..

Alenira June 6, 2021 2:24 pm

It seems Kian/Cain is a bastard child of the imperial family... most likely born for the sole purpose of being a conduit / vesil for all the grudge the imperial family has raised for generations such as a family curse.. He was likely used as a vesel to remove it from the main family.. and the curse is that ppl cant remember him.. no mater what,...anyone he cares about forgets him.. + corrupt power in the form of magic..
So the sister is prob hoping to have him become a candidate for the crown.. to dethrone her brother.. by using Fl.. but just realized that Ml is someone not to mess with..

    Nichiee June 6, 2021 7:36 pm

    Look at you piecing together all the pieces for us common folk . Thank you very much. (I hope this doesn’t come off as sarcasm because it isn’t.

    Xbjce June 7, 2021 1:16 am

    It makes since that he is a bastard child but wouldn’t that also mean that the prince will recognize him as well? I bet something with happen to Kain and the prince leading to Priscilla to choose a side.

    Alenira June 7, 2021 6:29 am
    It makes since that he is a bastard child but wouldn’t that also mean that the prince will recognize him as well? I bet something with happen to Kain and the prince leading to Priscilla to choose a side. Xbjce

    I dont think so, as he himself said, he has family but has never seen them. So after he was born and made a vessel he was likely keet either locked up or as a hidden existence from all but his father. Also the woman who is at a monestary could be his mother or one of the ppl that was a caretaber to him.