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Username0 June 6, 2021 9:33 am

I like dis but when Darim told off sang-yu for being kidnapped I was ready to throw hands. What right does she have to be angry! Okay, it's her body and? Is she the one who was in the situation. Oh she's the girl not sang-yu? EVEN MORE REASON SHE SHOULD EMPATHISE WITH HIM. Have any of you ever been labelled a sex offender during your teenage years? Yeah no. So you only attempt to imagine the trauma that caused. Plus that idiot of a kindergarten teacher publicly criticising him as a bad guy. smh.

Anyways I like dis and I'm rooting for Ho-young to find a girl that is true to him and is his type. Cos unfortunately Darim may fit his ideal face but personality-wise, although nothing is wrong with her confident and badass personality (at times), she just ain't his type.

so ya ciao amigas
