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sorry guys to bother

nori_ June 6, 2021 12:12 am

like really i just need to say this to someone, i get really angry by people who don't like takemitchy or drop the anime because he is weak and can't lay a punch in someone, i know that everyone can dislike a character, but like???? really??? you are missing the point of takemitchy character, he is not build to be the most powerful person (and he didn't fight for 12 years) he is build to be the person who cries for his friends, who has an unshakable will and will do whatever it takes to save the people he love, he's not weak (well maybe phycally hahaha) but he is strong in other points
maybe you guys won't agree with me, but is just my opinion

    sera (せら) June 6, 2021 6:44 am

    I agree 100% like omg. Everyone's so mad at takemitchy because he's weak and can't fight, but that's what makes his character so realistic and relatable. Like he hasn't really trained a day in his life how in the world would he be able to fight gang members? This is a shonen manga, but I mean come on I know 99% of people who hate takemitchy for being weak can't even do, idk, a pull up or punch someone twice their size. If I was put into this same situation takemitchy I wouldn't be able to fight anyone let alone have takemitchy's way of connecting with others to change the future in his own (less violent) way. I also appreciate that while he's weak he doesn't give up and is able to withstand getting beat to a pulp like ever other day lol.

    Bleh June 6, 2021 7:34 am

    Finally.... someone actually said it

    nori_ June 6, 2021 1:20 pm
    I agree 100% like omg. Everyone's so mad at takemitchy because he's weak and can't fight, but that's what makes his character so realistic and relatable. Like he hasn't really trained a day in his life how in t... sera (せら)

    yeah your totally right, we have to take in consideration that he don't come back to the past to fight someone, but to save someone, he doesn't have time to train to be some monster

    nori_ June 6, 2021 1:21 pm
    Finally.... someone actually said it Bleh

    i was really bothered by that, is just????? why?????!