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im just glad its not the girl getting raped for once

Yeezy101 June 5, 2021 4:36 pm

im just glad its not the girl getting raped for once

    Jammy June 7, 2021 3:02 pm

    what the-
    raping someone is wrong no matter what gender
    u shouldn't be glad one gender is raped instead of the other
    that's disgusting

    Yeezy101 June 7, 2021 3:50 pm
    what the-raping someone is wrong no matter what genderu shouldn't be glad one gender is raped instead of the otherthat's disgusting Jammy

    did you fail contrapositive, inverse, and converse statements in math class? being thankful its finally not the women getting raped is NOT equivalent to being glad thaf men are being raped.

    manganiME June 7, 2021 8:09 pm

    It's grey. She didn't know he was weak. So him not fighting back seemed like consent to her. He didn't know she had an aphrodisiac and was possessed by a demoness.

    Jammy June 8, 2021 7:36 am
    did you fail contrapositive, inverse, and converse statements in math class? being thankful its finally not the women getting raped is NOT equivalent to being glad thaf men are being raped. Yeezy101

    hm, alright. ur statement still feels iffy to me but I get ur point

    Jammy June 8, 2021 7:41 am
    It's grey. She didn't know he was weak. So him not fighting back seemed like consent to her. He didn't know she had an aphrodisiac and was possessed by a demoness. manganiME

    hmmmmm ya ya ok I agree she's empress of hell and she's evil and everything yup okok

    Eren yeager June 8, 2021 2:14 pm

    It's bad either way

    Yeezy101 June 8, 2021 3:46 pm
    It's bad either way Eren yeager

    No shit sherlock

    Eren yeager June 8, 2021 6:22 pm
    No shit sherlock Yeezy101

    Well I didn't expect you to understand☠☠