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Someone please help

Lan Wangji June 5, 2021 5:29 am

There's this manga I read and this was a certain chapter.
Basically the uke tried to wake the seme up in the morning and the seme looked grumpy and scared the uke. The seme washed up and everything and realized what happened so he rushed to the uke and apologized telling him that he wasn't a morning person.

    Jiminised June 5, 2021 5:44 am

    I wanna know too.

    Photo Otaku June 5, 2021 5:50 am

    AH! I feel like I've read this before but I can't find it. This is the only one I can find with a similar chapter. But I don't think its it. (The scene is in the last chapter)

    Lan Wangji June 5, 2021 5:55 am
    AH! I feel like I've read this before but I can't find it. This is the only one I can find with a similar chapter. But I don't think its it. (The scene is in the last chapter) Photo Otaku

    It's not sadly

    ARGHHH June 5, 2021 6:02 am

    Is it a short or long manga?

    Lan Wangji June 5, 2021 6:06 am
    Is it a short or long manga? ARGHHH

    I think 5-6 chapters so short

    ARGHHH June 5, 2021 7:17 am

    You by chance know what they're feature like maybe tall seme with some blond hair and short buffy uke with black spiky hair, sunthing like that? A coloured or non colour? Cause that kind of scene happens in lots manga so im still trying to search for it(⊙…⊙ )

    ARGHHH June 5, 2021 7:24 am
    You by chance know what they're feature like maybe tall seme with some blond hair and short buffy uke with black spiky hair, sunthing like that? A coloured or non colour? Cause that kind of scene happens in lot... ARGHHH

    Sorry bad English

    Lan Wangji June 5, 2021 9:19 am
    You by chance know what they're feature like maybe tall seme with some blond hair and short buffy uke with black spiky hair, sunthing like that? A coloured or non colour? Cause that kind of scene happens in lot... ARGHHH

    The seme was tall has black hair and the uke is short with more of a cutesy face. It was black and white

    ARGHHH June 5, 2021 6:09 pm
    The seme was tall has black hair and the uke is short with more of a cutesy face. It was black and white Lan Wangji

    Sorry, I don't find any in my list(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜