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Kinda Pissed

YunikonNiji June 30, 2016 12:03 am

I'm just pissed at the fact that the Seme, who wasn't thinking of the Uke through most of their relationship, breaks up with the Uke after forcing him midway through sex and makes the Uke cry. And you know what's the worst thing about it!? THE SEME NEVER SAID I LOVE YOU TO THE UKE. I get that people can portray their love through actions but still! This is probably my own insecurities talking, but I would never go into a relationship like that.

    Anonymous June 30, 2016 2:24 am

    The seme is has a difficult personality. He is selfconfident, doesn't care about what people think of him, and is straightforward... those are his appealing qualities that make him "cool". BUT he is estoic (always has poker face), dense (he doesn't get that he has to speak so others can know his feelings, he doesn't see when his partner is uncomfortable or sad or scared if he doesn't say it out loud very loud), selfish (he only cares about his own pleasure and acts impulsively) and his main problem is that he has no capacity to empathize with other peoples feelings... NO EMPATHY. I have the impression he simply never understood that his actions could be hurtful and insensitive. Because he's the kind of guy who doesn't lie and would stand up for/defend himself, he thinks everybody would do the same... so he doesn't ask how do you feel? did it felt good? what do you think about this? ...