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chapter 46 mistranslation

Rebby June 4, 2021 1:40 am

hi all! ive seen a lot of comments about the same topic, and while i would like to reply to all of them i dont really have the time so ill just create a new post (=・ω・=). youll probably see this comment pasted a few times but here it is (again):

i wanted to add my 2 cents as a chinese speaker, the phrase 怪你脸黑 directly translated does mean "blame your face for being black" but it actually means "its your fault for being in a bad mood". its a figure of speech in the chinese language and isnt inherently racist. in fact, the language commonly uses color to describe emotions, like red is used for anger/embarrassment, white is used for fear etc. hope this clarifies!ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

so once again i hope no one misunderstands the creator/editor for this mistake, and lets look forward to new chapters together (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ everyone have a good day and happy reading!
