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Now you'll be comparing to reality...

Creamy_dreamer June 3, 2021 3:56 pm

Dude can't you'll stop ruin the mood it's all good can't you'll just take it as that in Ritsu personality and character plus Tomoru is just doing fine ( ̄∇ ̄") why you'll so work up at least Ritsu is not that forceful ... we all know well that things like being forced and pressure to get things done is unpleasant but THIS is a story/plot to entertain the readers ...don't go mixing with reality unless it is a true story written...I most of the time read the previous readers preview and comments to get some info or if it is worth reading, sometimes the comments are just simply overreacting and completely ruin the mood then some of us decided not to read when it is not such a big deal geez calm ya horses this is a Story like a Fairy tale (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 bye enjoy I'm just venting so go ahead a read it is worth it just don't take things seriously
