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It's just bad writing

Just a guy June 3, 2021 6:25 am

Reading spoilers about what Hideyoshi does in future chapters and I gotta say....... it's been over a decade since I first got in to reading manga and I'm pretty genuinely frustrated that we still can't seem to move past this trope. Just, please, stop making your ML a piece of shit and then presenting us with much better options in our 2nd and/or 3rd MLs, only to remember that your 1st ML is endgame so you have to go ruin your other characters to make him seem good by comparison. I mean, all of the character build-up for Hideyoshi so far has been about how much he values self-control and helping Omegas, and you're telling me HE'S the one who marks Noeru without her consent? Not sus as hell, already abused his mouth powers, Yukimura? Sounds to me more like the author and/or editor read too many comments from readers about how much better Hideyoshi seemed compared to Nobunaga and decided to pull a 180 with his character to get the ML and FL's relationship back on track. How about just don't make Nobunaga such a crappy person in the first place? Problem solved.

    leenuhxox June 3, 2021 1:18 pm

    Frustrating how the author made a 180 on his character. I don't see anything wrong with making a 2nd/3rd character that was loved by the audience to be the new lead even though it's rare but the fact the 1st lead wasn't any better either. At that point, she might not just end up with anybody.

    Rashta eat shit June 3, 2021 2:34 pm

    totally agree to this