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Who’s taking care of takemichi’s body?

Niconasty67 June 3, 2021 4:50 am

So we know that b4 takemichi time leaped back 10yrs, he was hold Mikey’s hand for dear life on a tall building but because he gets into a coma like state when leaping back in time, wouldn’t he let go of Mikey’s hand because he’s unconscious? And because of that, is there a possibility the present mikey might be dead? Unless in later chapters both were brought down safely by like the fire department…

    macaronicheese365 June 3, 2021 9:05 am

    I'm guessing that if Takemichi changes the future enough, the events leading up to that wouldn't happen and he'd be transported to a totally alternate future. I think something like this had happed before where both he and Hina's younger brother had died, but he went to change the future.