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This is the first manga that I had so many feels for! I actually cried when King died; I h...

Fujoshi June 24, 2016 6:23 pm

This is the first manga that I had so many feels for! I actually cried when King died; I had to take breaks in between pages cause my heart couldn't take it. Sometimes I felt like killing Ace for his stupidity and sometimes I felt like killing King cause I felt like he was a 3rd wheel. And finally I felt like killing Jay cause he's like "No I love King only I have no feelings for Ace. King is a god. Ace I don't love you but I love you" WTF is wrong with this manga? I give it a 10 for fucking with my brain and my feelings :')

    aki22 July 21, 2016 3:49 am

    damn gurl! i feel you!