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Would be nice to have that option

littlereader June 1, 2021 11:59 pm

This was more serious than I thought lol. It’s not too heavy but it’s gonna make you think. It’s not entirely wrong to run away from your problems as long as your choice won’t affect anyone else but yourself. Not all people are able to heal even with decades of treatment and not everyone can cope with an extremely traumatizing experience. And it would be nice to have that option sensei offered in the manga. Wanting to be free from all the pain is reason enough but it really isn’t necessary for others to understand our personal choices.

Sensei’s dilemma is reminding me once again of the importance in knowing that all of us were born whole and that we don’t need anything or anyone outside of ourselves to be happy, tho I get that some people need a little help accepting/understanding this fact. I’m not saying it’s wrong, it’s entirely up to you to seek and want others to validate your existence but you don’t actually “need” it, you’re whole on your own. I ain’t judging you but you’re strong and amazing even without “anything to offer” or anyone beside you.
