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yaoi_is_my_life June 1, 2021 7:11 pm

All of yall in the comments supporting this shit are disgusting, its even more disgusting that i feel like im gonna get hate for not supporting incest. And if any of yall say anything, no i didnt read the manga, i saw the name and ran to the comments to see all of yall embarrassing yourselves.

    踏仙君 June 2, 2021 8:47 pm
    I understand that you are just a really nice person and dont want to judge anyone for anything unless they are insulting you/ just being mean in general. But some things aren’t ok to support. When we say Love... ugetnopussy

    nah shut the fuck up

    they're nice enough to keep pleasantries with you but don't you push your opinions on other people as if you're on a higher moral ground than others for not supporting content like this. If YOU don't like it don't click on it, same as OP. See the problem here? fucking hell. y'all weirdos as fuck. y'all prolly the ones who take a mere look at mangas like this and automatically get an image on your heads of you and your entire family fucking.

    none of the readers here are even pro-incest irl and y'all are insisting that merely consuming media like this would automatically make people INTO it irl?? never watched GoT?? movies about murder?? aren't those popular media with gruesome shit in it and yet people does not necessarily go on sprees and behead people?

    y'all just like nitpicking istg get fucking over it and get the fuck outta this manga's comments section. you LOT are more embarassing tryna preach here.

    踏仙君 June 2, 2021 8:51 pm
    nah shut the fuck up they're nice enough to keep pleasantries with you but don't you push your opinions on other people as if you're on a higher moral ground than others for not supporting content like this. If... 踏仙君

    what is not clear about minding one's own business? If we go to the roots itself, it's you lot who barged in here and came preaching about morals. y'all weird and thickheaded as fuck.