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When did he rape them exactly? He just gave them some drug and weed that’s all Seriyi g...

Ayanamiwa June 1, 2021 6:16 pm

When did he rape them exactly? He just gave them some drug and weed that’s all
Seriyi gotunuzle mi okuyorsunuz abi

    AhhhSenpai June 1, 2021 6:27 pm

    He didn’t, you just have the ‘DoEsn’t MaTtER iF iTS FiCtioN’ crowd trying to stretch and call Sys a rapist and toxic when he’s probably the most normal character in this damn story lol.

    Ayanamiwa June 1, 2021 6:31 pm
    He didn’t, you just have the ‘DoEsn’t MaTtER iF iTS FiCtioN’ crowd trying to stretch and call Sys a rapist and toxic when he’s probably the most normal character in this damn story lol. AhhhSenpai

    Im literally so sick of them ugh

    AhhhSenpai June 1, 2021 6:44 pm
    Im literally so sick of them ugh Ayanamiwa

    Nah, just laugh at them. They’re really losing their shit off fictional characters when they could be worrying about real people suffering.