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im triggered lol

rayha June 1, 2021 5:51 pm

lmaoaoa this is so inconsistent. you're telling me she instantly got a hint that lina might like arnold but has no clue how arnold and her ash definitely have deep-seated crushes on her??????? after all the time she spends with them she hasnt gotten a single clue but with just lina's introduction she gets it in seconds????

    ❇ elf ❇ June 1, 2021 11:20 pm

    Life of every 'oblivious' Mc

    rayha June 2, 2021 3:14 am
    Life of every 'oblivious' Mc ❇ elf ❇

    frr. i think the worst part is children are so obvious with their crushes that i cant believe a fully grown adult couldnt tell when a child had a crush on her- like why dont the authors ever think about that??

    ❇ elf ❇ June 2, 2021 4:29 am
    frr. i think the worst part is children are so obvious with their crushes that i cant believe a fully grown adult couldnt tell when a child had a crush on her- like why dont the authors ever think about that?? rayha

    It is a bit of an eyesore being reminded of the fact that shes an adult in a child's body but can't recognize the signs of boys fighting over her when other teenagers are able to see it as clear as day. Not only this Mc but almost every other transmigrated FL has this issue

    rayha June 2, 2021 4:49 am
    It is a bit of an eyesore being reminded of the fact that shes an adult in a child's body but can't recognize the signs of boys fighting over her when other teenagers are able to see it as clear as day. Not onl... ❇ elf ❇

    mhm ( ̄∇ ̄") and if's often them transmigrating into romance novels so you'd think they have an interest in dating but after they transmigrate they seem to completely forget their interest in romance.. like what? and im talking about the ones that transmigrate into bodies close to their actual age.

    ❇ elf ❇ June 2, 2021 4:52 am
    mhm ( ̄∇ ̄") and if's often them transmigrating into romance novels so you'd think they have an interest in dating but after they transmigrate they seem to completely forget their interest in romance.. like... rayha

    Lol, that's a good point too. Sometimes their personalities even do a 180 switch.