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Ok so Fl, the heroin, the prince and head knight

Alenira June 1, 2021 1:26 pm

Ok so Fl, the heroin, the prince and head knight were all friends who got reincarnated..
Fl and Reo (now Leo) were engaged, Heroin was a female firend who comes of as condesending and head knight was their childhood friend. They all got reincarnated and fl was given a "sheckel" in returne for her wish..
This is just my speculation.. but i think each of them were given a wish and Fl's was most likely to be with them all again.. Heroins was mostlikely to be with Reo ( now Leo), Leo's was to protect FL and head knight (aka childhood friend) was to to proctect FL's smile.
If this is the case that would mean the "shackle" Fl got was that she can never be with leo..and due to her actions of saving Leo.. he became aware of her and prob started to have feelings for her (this is not alowed due to Heroins wish to be the Heroin and together with Leo). As a result Leo is being punished with the assasin events that he is oblivious to due to FL's constant sneak saving him.. In turne Heroin is anoyed with Leo becase he is ment to like her yet eyes FL in secret.. and Leo thinks he is "protecting" FL from danger and posible jelousy of Heroin but failes to see he was the one actualy protected..

It is highly lightly that both Leo and Head knight desided to frame FL to get her out of danger... but in doing so actualy put her in danger... This is seen from the nobel reaction to the accusation of FL... none of the nobels belived it until Head knight brought out the "evidence".. And Heroins reaction was so fake...
Ad to that FL was left to rot in Jail only for Leo and Head knight to "rescue" her and fake her death.. Like FFs man if you like her freaking say so.. to destroy her like that, abandone her, give her false hope and then abandone her again under your internal pretence to "protect" her is wrong!.. And despite you having "tabs" on her you didnt know Fl was hunted and almost killed... FFs man... either be with her or stay out of her life.. after made her "dead" so how about you act like she is dead.
And FL ffs stop "helping/ saving" Leo... he dosnt deserve it! You sacrificed yoru own health to save him form the assasinations.. to the point you heaked yoruself so much your a master of healing magic now.. and ad to that the mental pain of him being "lovely dovely" with the heroin in front of you and even condemming you despite knowing you would never do harm... you still long for that ass hat? All this while you have a Arc demon willing to do anything for you and even saved your life several times.. but no your so obsessed with your none exisisting Ex you cant see shit.

I hate to say it.. but i genuenly hope either the demon wins her over or the prince breaks Fl.. because she is so blinded by her own "love and longing" for Leo she is braindead!
