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similar reccs?

bokutotiddies May 31, 2021 8:07 pm

does anyone else have any inspirational type mangas as good as this? it doesnt really have to do with art, just similar in its overall message?

    Adrianna June 1, 2021 7:34 am

    Hmmm I think hajime no ippo (about boxing), chihayafuru (about karuta), kono oto tomare (about koto), blue giant (about jazz) are pretty similar in term of inspirational and personal growth. It's also interesting and insanely good!

    bokutotiddies June 2, 2021 5:41 am
    Hmmm I think hajime no ippo (about boxing), chihayafuru (about karuta), kono oto tomare (about koto), blue giant (about jazz) are pretty similar in term of inspirational and personal growth. It's also interesti... Adrianna

    thank you for the reccs, ill def check these out :)

    Adrianna June 2, 2021 4:15 pm
    thank you for the reccs, ill def check these out :) bokutotiddies

    You're welcome! If you don't mind me adding another one, I just saw a recommendation from a youtube video for 'Kenrantaru Grande Scene' (it's Kenrantaru Grande Scène in mangago idk why) and it's about ballet. I haven't read it yet but the review looks good!