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I love Hyesung and Dojin is growing on me

johndis431 May 31, 2021 10:46 am

Hyesung is a good person. Yes he and Dojin are in a relationship but that doesn't mean he is just suppose to forgive him for everything and move on immediately. He doesn't like Dojin because of the way he treated him and it's like he can't get over it and honestly that's understandable. Stop acting like Hyesung is the bad guy for not craving intimacy with Dojin when he isn't even attracted to alphas in general.

I can genuinely see Dojin's character development once he realized he liked Hyesung BUT he's still not all the way there either. The way he handled their honeymoon and even the liking omega thing is so gross. He loves Hyesung and Byul more than he loves himself and that's beautiful but he really needs to find a better way of communicating his negative emotions cause rn...
