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It was a great read, but I'm not a fan of how the story tried to make Shiori and Tora's si...

Nobody in Particular v3 May 31, 2021 2:06 am

It was a great read, but I'm not a fan of how the story tried to make Shiori and Tora's sister's situations seem...heartwarming? Am I supposed to feel pity for Shiori's parents after they drove her to do what she did? And Tora's sister's entire life was spent taking care of others. Their lifestyles make sense considering the time period they're in, but I wish the mangaka didn't downplay how awful their situations were solely because of their gender.

    remmiiii July 12, 2021 11:07 am

    because it is heartwarming. Wether there was any play of women not being able to do what they do during that time, Tora's sister and his wife specifically wanted a peaceful life with their kids. Everyones situation was awful and ofcourse the mangaka especially didn't downplay the situation of tora's sister chose to take care of CHILDREN AND FAMILY specifically. Idk if you read the story entirely but her job in the town is also serving as a midwife. Her goal was for everyone in the story to realize that children's upbringing is important and that's also why she regret but at the same time know that its a good thing to take apart Tora from their mother. TORA'S sister's whole life wasn't just spent taking care of others. Her mission was always to give importance on why caring for one another is important.