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Leave Our Queen ALONEEE

Shari de shark May 30, 2021 11:54 pm

I ABSOLUTLEY LOVE how you're blatantly ignorging the fact that you had the BALLS to betray our Queen first like you brought in trashta who's a complete hypocrite on her whole bullshit "i luve you, because of your money and power, for who you are I cant believe the queen would have an affair with another man I tried to warn you. STUPID B*TCH i swear I hope your kingdom goes to ruin because of trashta who isnt even suited to be empress. But anyways I hate that you act as if SHE BETRAYED YOU when YOU NEVER EVEN EXPRESSED YOUR LOVE FOR HER IN ANY WAY SO FAR, SINCE SADLY our dear queen is a bit slow to catch onto others love example henry's love for her. SO DONT DO GO ON THIS WHOLE BABY TANTRUM OF HER SUPPOSDLEY BETRAYING YOU WHEN YOU WERE THE FIRST TO DO IT FUCKER. Anyways that's all I have to say about this stupid fucking emporer and i hope their people realize how trash him and trashta are and what a loss they have for losing Queen Navier.
