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Idk man ,,when sousuke said he didn't asked to be save I'm pretty sure he meant that shira...

Cain’s Lightsaber May 30, 2021 10:14 pm

Idk man ,,when sousuke said he didn't asked to be save I'm pretty sure he meant that shiraha could still kept his powers and being the heir that he is expected to be but shiraha the one who wanted to save sousuke while knowing that he can lose everything that he have,, and sousuke doesn't know until 10 years later and every he do is for shiraha,, well his family is the servant of shiraha family, he said all the time that shiraha should marry a doe and have little fawn but shiraha still stay with him regardless and knowing everything he was ready to kill himself so shiraha could have his powers back but shiraha stopped him because he didn't gave it up for nothing and his father also didn't hold grudges about it maybe because he already know that it is fate ,, it's what supposed to be ,,, maybe that just me

Well he and keitarou aren't exactly related but still you don't go jerk off your adopted brother dick (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
