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stop bullying the seme guys

elektroshe May 30, 2021 8:07 am

not me defending the honor of a 2d man but!!! he's not a bad person! people probably use him for money and then dump him when they're at a place in their life where they're comfortable, so he's just afraid of being left behind by someone he cares about. that's why he's reserved, he thinks he'll help the uke and then the uke'll leave like all the others. he really isn't doing it for himself, or rather he takes pleasure in providing, he likes the sugar daddy grift. he sees himself as a stepping block for the uke because that's how all his previous lovers saw him probably. i'm really curious as to how he became like this, is it something psychological or does he just like helping ppl like this? thanks for coming to my ted talk.

edit: forgot to add, he's reserved so that's probably why we all though he was shady at some point. he's detached, almost drifting through the relationship. my man's afraid of commitment and getting personal can't wait for when he finally breaks out of his shell and trusts that he can keep the uke.
