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honestly regardless of how linus felt he should have never have cheated. he needed to talk...

lolbitchmuch May 29, 2021 9:54 pm

honestly regardless of how linus felt he should have never have cheated. he needed to talk to tommy and communicate how he felt. the fact that he didn’t cause he was scared she would leave him, so than he resorted to cheating is disgusting. i understand he felt neglected and hurt, and he has every right to feel that way if tommy wasn’t giving her all in the relationship, but at the end of the day he can’t expect her to understand if he doesn’t communicate. he has no right to cry and act hurt that she rebounded after he was cheating on her for 2 months.

Also that pink haired girl is so annoying i hate her so much. if you truly loved linus the way you claim to why would you try to take advantage of him when he was at his weakest for your own pleasure. it’s sick. you knew how much he loved tommy yet you encouraged it and made him feel like he needed u just so u could be with him, so weird. at the end of the linus is still in the wrong not only the pink haired girl. he was still the one who cheated, but i just hate that the pink haired girl acts as if she’s doing him a favour when she’s just ruining him even more.
