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I couldn’t take it more then 10 chapters, will it get any good or should I drop it?

Nona May 29, 2021 5:22 pm

I couldn’t take it more then 10 chapters, will it get any good or should I drop it?

    Ejaculatetoyaoi May 29, 2021 6:05 pm

    If you don’t like a lot of smut you should stop

    Nona May 29, 2021 6:55 pm
    If you don’t like a lot of smut you should stop Ejaculatetoyaoi

    No I’m really chill with smut but I want to see if the story gets Any interesting because till then it was like the other ones I’ve read, but Since there are a lot of chapters I wanted to see how it goes May 29, 2021 8:16 pm

    I dropped it at chap. 21, because the uke was ok with being raped and I just couldn't get myself to like the seme.
    I wouldn't say it gets more interesting. It's not really good, the uke is constantly being forced which makes the seme look even less appealing to me, uke oftentimes acts- I wouldn't say stupid, but that's the only word that I can think of right now.
    When I read chapt. 20 for example, I just said "hä??? Huh???? Whut-??" the whole time because I couldn't understand the seme and ukes actions.

    Meluvyaoiz May 30, 2021 2:35 am
    I dropped it at chap. 21, because the uke was ok with being raped and I just couldn't get myself to like the seme. I wouldn't say it gets more interesting. It's not really good, the uke is constantly being forc...

    As hot as it was to some degree; I will admit that didn't sit right with me at all on those levels. I finished it to see if it had any plot meaning, but no, the editor I guess?- Removed the plot and inserted no consent. And it was less and less appealing the more I realized how stupid the dynamic is. I felt uncomfortable and guilty for it. I stopped when that story ended, cuz I can't handle 60+ chapters about- what, extortion? Workplace harrassment? Aggravated assault? Including rape for the hell of it? AND I'm one of the people who's usually alright with it as long as it is super important to the plot and is not depicted as healthy or good. I feel like it's stupid the more I think about it, being ok with a guy nonconsensually harassing and manipulating him for sex continuously... because you love him? It makes no sense...then again, it's not supposed to be accurate or damaging. Maybe it really was the editor? (doubt it) who knows.