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Paulina is just so... I cant call her naive because she's not and very aware so can i just...

Uzumakii May 29, 2021 10:31 am

Paulina is just so... I cant call her naive because she's not and very aware so can i just say dumb-_- at least in the matter of the doctor. Who the hell actively goes and seeks out the guy admitting they wanted to use you and didn't have good intentions within approaching you... she isn't that desperate for homies is she? Like the relationship dynamic he proposed doesn't benefit her at all. I appreciate honesty too but if someone admits to spitting on my mom am I going to respect them and or become interested in them lmao no!! I'm sorry that just annoyed me.

    Akeke May 29, 2021 11:49 am

    She sees somethjng in him and i do too. Hes has a very pure soul. Even though he tried to manipulate her he had a good reason and Paulina knows that.

    Uzumakii May 29, 2021 6:43 pm
    She sees somethjng in him and i do too. Hes has a very pure soul. Even though he tried to manipulate her he had a good reason and Paulina knows that. Akeke


    he's not lol I can't fathom how a guy that admitted to approaching you without good intentions ended up being a not so great guy and two faced ?? I wouldn't say this baseless