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Oooooh yeah

Calico_S May 29, 2021 5:51 am

I forgot it's completely normal and legal to be racist in other countries. They haaaaaaate tan and brown people. Even tan and brown people.
I'll never understand why. I'm here in Germany I try to go out and explore some new spots. And just get stares and people like cross the street. I'm lighter to medium tan. I'm mixed. And I'm like ooooooh yeah. Racism is mentioned to negative but it perfectly normal. Only then I realize U.S is abit more advanced in that department. Granted still separated because then we'd be all lives matter, and Asians wouldn't be beaten up and Hispanic kids would be with their familes and not shot, and black people can go to the convince store. And white guys can date darker colored women without receiving angry looks from other races. But still, we are making more progress on race over here. When you compare the world as a whole. Racism pops up in government and we go for the kill.
