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I fking cant

Ringo May 28, 2021 12:54 pm

I had to stop at ch 13, everything just infuriates me. That fucking crown prince is a piece of shit.
He's an arrogant bastard, that feels entitled to everything just because he's a prince. He never treats the MC with respect, he's also borderline abusive. He doesn't take no for an answer, he pulled off an entire squad from the murder investigation just because the MC refused his dinner invitation. He would rather his people die and be in danger for his FCKING HUGE EGO!
He doesn't respect the Louis' work, doesn't respect Louis' privacy, doesn't respect his personal space, obstructs the investigation, forces Louis to be with him, violates him, gaslighting him (honestly Louis thought it was his fault that they're understaffed when in fact that crown prince is just fking irresponsible).

I am tired of abusive, possessive, downright assholes MLs. I don't care how hot or charming they are, if they're shit then they're shit.
