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Queen~ May 28, 2021 8:46 am

reading these comments made me understand there's people who feel bad for the ml and pissed at the fl. now I respect ur opinions but like. yall. she was fuckin kidnapped. yall got a fetish or some shit. she never consented with any of his bs. if he fell for her it fine but becoming an obsessive freak is another thing. anyways stan amy for being real af

    kbueno May 28, 2021 10:26 am

    finallyyyy someone said this

    diluc-sama June 1, 2021 3:23 am

    periodt!!!!! people calling the female lead a bitch and all is too much. she just wants the best for the male lead especially knowing how the book she read he literally kidnapped her ?? like what its really sad cause when her and her sister brought nox in the house they gave him freedom to chose whether he wanted to stay or not yet she ends up being confined against her will