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Cephalia May 27, 2021 11:27 pm

I don’t want people to think i’m justifying Haesol but the only thing I can think of as to why she wants to keep him seen as a friend inside and outside of school was because of what happened recently. Maybe she’s afraid that people who she gets close with will always get hurt especially since yeonwoo has a hard time opening up in general it’ll be difficult for him to talk about if he’s getting bullied. I really hope with yeonwoo Haesol starts to open up more and with Haesol yeonwoo starts to become more confident and stand up for himself more while learning to open up. I think they can be really good for eachother but what worries me the most is that Haesol said she didn’t like anyone during truth or dare which could’ve honestly been to protect people from bothering her since it was said before she hates being the center of attention.
