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bakugotchi May 26, 2021 8:00 pm

I like this story, but thing that has me ? is the fact that theu made out the duke to seem so horrible (not that he isnt) but it’s like now they’re trying to redeem him by showing all the little things he did for the fl on the past and how now he suddenly realized he loved her like man what? I don’t feel bad for him it’s just pitiful like if you would’ve just been nice to her, you both could’ve been happy, also maybe I missed the explanation but do they even explain why he treated her so coldly like as children they seemed to somewhat get along but then when they got older he just seemed so mean, also love that they made the emperor fall in love first it’s so cliche when the women falls first I like seeing men chase after the women

    Zafia May 26, 2021 8:04 pm

    Yes I wanted to know why her father and her ex fiance treats her like that.