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Love this! But I gotta say... that ending on chapter 4 I know that sex is important to som...

Zeroken09 May 26, 2021 6:20 pm

Love this! But I gotta say... that ending on chapter 4 I know that sex is important to some people’s relationship and some that aren’t but tomoru has been such a kind soul and actually receptive to ritsu’s feelings. Idk, I feel like he could’ve at least eased him into it? If your partner’s still learning and willing to learn wouldn’t you want to guide them into it? Ritsu’s attitude in that regard kind of disappointed me a bit, but other than that lovely art and story.

    Indian Fujo May 30, 2021 2:00 pm


    NachoWifu June 1, 2021 12:31 pm

    For sure! I was like, why is be being like this? It actually takes alot of mental and physical preparation before having anal sex. It's something you literally have to ease someone into. But Ritsu assumed that Tomoru didn't think about what a homosexual relationship entails and I'm like just here like.... Y'all just started dating, man's is really just trying to enjoy a date with you lol and you wanna get all cold when you couldn't get physical. Y'all didn't even talk about who would bottom and etc, he really just tried to go into it and acted immature. I love Tomoru, he's actually so refreshingly honest and genuine. He doesn't beat around the bush and he really tries to consider the situation. I like how he came to a simple conclusion of yes I like Ritsu and breaking down his actions and internal feelings and being upfront once he realizes them. Ritsu could stand to be more considerate but whateverrrr ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Zeroken09 June 1, 2021 3:35 pm
    For sure! I was like, why is be being like this? It actually takes alot of mental and physical preparation before having anal sex. It's something you literally have to ease someone into. But Ritsu assumed that ... NachoWifu

    You just summed up everything i felt about ritsu, thank youuu. I like ritsu but it felt he acted like a brat who couldnt get what he wanted at the end of chapter four.

    Zihvuda June 2, 2021 7:49 pm

    This! And all the replies too. Just like in any relationship, it's not good to pressure your partner into sex before they're ready. I chalked it up to Ritsu being a teenager and immature, but that part really did bother me. Especially when Tomoru ended up kind of conceding to sex in order to "prove" that he did in fact like Ritsu. Though i suppose one could argue that in that moment he came to the conclusion that he'd be on board for sex, but still.

    Himemeow June 11, 2021 5:16 pm

    I agree!! This would've been a 5 for me if that didn't happen ( ̄へ ̄)