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Everyone here makes me incredibly mad, the husband, the mistress, sophia, fucking giselle ...

Mbc_119 May 26, 2021 6:19 pm

Everyone here makes me incredibly mad, the husband, the mistress, sophia, fucking giselle pussy weak ass bitch who can’t fucking take a knife and stab her little pussy ass bitch of husband... I FUCKING SWEAR THE ONLY ONE I LOVE IS ISSAC, and the other vampires AND ANNE SHE’S SO CUTE, but aside from that FUCK THEM ALL MFSS, THEY ALL DESERVE TO GET THEIR FUCKING PINKY SMASHED (dont ask me why) I’M RAGING BITCHES RAGINGGGG, AHHHHHH i needed to get that out of my chest

    Anna May 26, 2021 5:55 pm

    Lmao your comment made me laugh.

    1-Forest-1 May 26, 2021 6:15 pm

    DeadASSS like kill that bitch he deserves it

    xshae_xo May 26, 2021 6:59 pm

    I agree minus the Giselle bit.

    Itiswhatitis May 26, 2021 7:03 pm

    I was about to read it but damn

    Mbc_119 May 26, 2021 7:36 pm
    I was about to read it but damn Itiswhatitis

    Is actually good aside from all the mfkn evil and week ass anoying pieces of shits in it but i will recommend it 100%

    kwest332 May 27, 2021 12:22 am


    Ellesalvador May 27, 2021 4:44 am

    You is my spirit animal! Literally me while reading the whole chapters for 3 straight hours! Uggghhh MMMFFFFFsss

    SANGWOAHSASH May 27, 2021 5:17 am
    I was about to read it but damn Itiswhatitis

    the characters are annoying sometimes but this is the BEST straight Manhwa In the universe. it's amazing, u better read it.