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EvaGreen May 26, 2021 3:09 pm

If his parent doesn't have prejudice over their environment and they don't change environment, then Nagi will surely be happy with Nao always being is side. And he will grow being such a positive Alpha. But this is just my speculate.

And sometime parent also have change their environment for education in this matter i mean. When 60-90% your environment is negative to the growing child then you have to.

But if you prejudice some over gender or race then it is not wise. Just like Nagi's parent. But yeah which parents that don't want the best for their children? I think that is in my view.

For reader who don't like Nagi's past,,, why would you such a busy body to read? Just make some story yourself. Then you will likely satisfied with the plot amd character that suit yourself.
