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How redundant.

Salted Caramel May 26, 2021 12:02 am

I am so disappointed in the comment sections of everything these days. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Not sure why everyone's whining about the translators. It's pretty obvious they don't care about you opinion and they don't even actually post it here themselves to read your commentary. If they did, it would probably amuse them. I think they're generally shitty translators and their comments are annoying, but I accept it when I click. Repeatedly crying about it is really just clutter.

Personally think that trigger warnings are stupid, but they don't really bother me one way or the other. I just scroll past initial pages until there's comic, so I rarely see them either way. I just think if you can't be bothered to read tags when you know there's things you don't want to read there shouldn't be an additional failsafe for your laziness. It's like a spoiler to me. Can you imagine if novels started having trigger warnings on the cover? Ridiculous.

Also seems a lot of you are pushing your own agendas pretty hard. :/ Seme appears to be a straight dude, who likes being a dude, who seems to have an image complex. If he likes to wear women's clothes because they make him feel good, cool. If he likes to wear women's clothes because he has some deep seated issues about looking like a dude, probably bad. Not everything develops from a good place that needs to be wrapped up in a blanket and protected. I'm content to just see where the author is going.

    Tsukkiyama May 26, 2021 12:20 am

    I feel like I being Nag lol ... XD
    Then Yeah IF U hate the story then go somewhere else tho- why are u even here . Just *throw penny* go catch that penny and play it over there

    Nobody May 26, 2021 1:47 am

    I agree, i don't want to jump on to conclusions and wait to see asbthe characters are developed. Until then, I'm keeping an open mind until we get there (๑•ㅂ•)و✧