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On chp one

Sek-ssi May 25, 2021 7:08 am

Why tf would you take an official English translation of something then clean and typeset over it just to pretend you translated it? Like literally what was the point?? What was the thought process? Why did you spend so much time and effort on this I just can't fathom it. And the fact that it wasn't even done meticulously? Like you left the first few pages and even forgot some speech bubbles in the rest thereby making it obvious that you just took the official eng for this, even the translation feels off like it was done from an app so literally why would you change that if you already had the official eng and I don't see any big credit page either (unless it was removed) with some sob story about your hard work or asking ppl to follow you on something so again, why...? Just why why would someone do this for no conceivable reason humans are so weird

    May 25, 2021 9:15 am

    AGREED 100%

    aaa May 25, 2021 9:36 am

    mte i’m not even mad just baffled LMAO like it starts out with standard, good quality translations then BAM messy cleanup and google translate??? what do u gain from this

    Sek-ssi May 25, 2021 5:41 pm
    mte i’m not even mad just baffled LMAO like it starts out with standard, good quality translations then BAM messy cleanup and google translate??? what do u gain from this aaa

    Same I just wanna know what went through their head to so this, like this was a conscious decision that probably took them a good amount of time to do so just...why