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Mangareaderlazypoof May 25, 2021 2:05 am

Please don't go on me saying sid doesn't deserve happiness ok stop He's being manipulated and threaten by those thousand of creatures inside him the REAL SID deserve happiness and desires happiness but cannot do it because hes like chained to those creature who is manipulating him let's get it straight everyone deserves happiness and makes mistake a lot THE REAL SID THAT ISN'T (IS) BEING MANIPULATED DESERVES HAPPINESS
PERIODT. (︶︿︶)=凸

    YaoiLover May 25, 2021 3:10 am

    I have to agree! I think the individual Sid is a good guy, and he's the one Cain wanted to help. For whatever reason, Sid became a collective, and the hive gets what the hive wants! Ngl, though the sex scenes were super hot between Sid and Jin! Anyway, the collective Sid doesn't deserve Jin bc the collective doesn't have Jin's best interest at heart. Sid the individual really cares for Jin, and is suffering trying to balance his needs and wants with that of the collective.