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unknownsourceoo May 24, 2021 6:43 pm

I really think everyone’s misunderstanding Sid here? He’s possessed with multiple things trying to control him. Imagine you having a manipulative gaslighting ex. Times that by idk 100? That’s what Sid is going through right now and it can mess someone up so much in the head it hurts for me to think about being in his position. And it’s not like he doesn’t care for Cain. He cares, but for some reason not yet revealed he’s still making a deal with Satan. Idk how he’ll end up, but I really do hope that somehow Sid can open up to Cain about his problem, or just die and be released from all his misery cuz this is too much man. Too man for even a demon.

    Meli May 25, 2021 6:07 am

    That’s not an excuse for what he did to Jin
    It’s like excusing a man for raping a woman because he was intoxicated
    It doesn’t fucking matter

    unknownsourceoo May 25, 2021 8:17 am
    That’s not an excuse for what he did to Jin It’s like excusing a man for raping a woman because he was intoxicated It doesn’t fucking matter Meli

    That I agree.

    unknownsourceoo May 25, 2021 10:15 am
    That’s not an excuse for what he did to Jin It’s like excusing a man for raping a woman because he was intoxicated It doesn’t fucking matter Meli

    Ok guys to be fair I had not been reading Dear Door for a few months so forgive me for forgetting the shit Sid has done to Jinyeong and the passionate hate I had for him back then guess what it came back after rereading the whole damn thing