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Man that was disappointing, Onodera is classic plain/annyoing/generic character. But then ...

Anonymous June 9, 2016 6:25 pm

Man that was disappointing, Onodera is classic plain/annyoing/generic character. But then again I don't really like Raku's character either, I just want chitoge to be happy...

    Aachan June 9, 2016 6:32 pm

    I actually like Onodera's character but more than that, I want Raku to end up with Chitoge

    and what's more, if he ends up with Onodera,
    the title "Nisekoi",which should have focused more on raku and chitoge will become pretty much senseless

    so yeah, I'm like "DON'T GIVE UP,TEAM CHITOGE!!!!"