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Just me ranting about my height

WeirdoPotato May 24, 2021 2:07 am

The fact that I can relate as a tall person. People always call me "Giraffe" for being the tallest in the school (╬▔皿▔)╯"You're tall, you must know how to play volleyball" "You need to join the running club" "You need to be the leader because your tall"
Just because I'm tall doesn't mean I'm good at everything 〒▽〒

    Cherryboi June 5, 2021 10:08 am

    Oh no I'm so sorry for that I hope you find good friend to know who you really are.

    Well I'm not short but I'm shortest in the family and my little sister is taller than me so I kinda understand the cutie boy too ╥﹏╥

    WeirdoPotato June 5, 2021 11:01 am
    Oh no I'm so sorry for that I hope you find good friend to know who you really are. Well I'm not short but I'm shortest in the family and my little sister is taller than me so I kinda understand the cutie boy t... Cherryboi

    Thank you for worrying o((--ω-- ))o and I really hope I do find a good friend

    I'm the youngest, and I'm almost the same height as my dad (my dad is really tall)