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I'm pissed off with how they tend to take a bully so lightly! That girl name Gyuri! She do...

Haxijiu May 24, 2021 1:16 am

I'm pissed off with how they tend to take a bully so lightly! That girl name Gyuri! She does not deserve to be forgiven and just let go of whatever she did. She needs to be reported to the police. A person like her includes all her minion don't deserve forgiveness. Thank goodness that orange girl not badly hurt but that doesn't mean it a small matter. I never knew she has such a nasty heart include that d*ck boy! Did they think the FL reputation will be ok again after that video being shown to the entire school? People gonna judge and talk bad about her for their whole life! So how they will be responsible for all of that! Imagine if she mentally unstable and she decides on suicide? What do you get from it? She does nothing to you, she just living her own life. So the real criminal here it you Gyuri, her minion and that pretend good guy!
