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Oh goodness, it seems a lifetime ago that the film came out. I guess with this series, you...

Anonymous May 23, 2021 2:28 am

Oh goodness, it seems a lifetime ago that the film came out. I guess with this series, you just need to accept that all the characters are heavily flawed people; there was ENOUGH yaoi logic already with the MC X Kido's relationship (and the MC and his sensei's relationship). Kido was a coward and yaoi logic "straight", but at least from a fiction point of view both the MC and Kido were insufferable so you don't have this "good guy" "bad guy" thing. The ending of the drama was nice and bittersweet, the MC moving on with his boyfriend, and Kido getting married and having a child. The "main" story (so the sequels to this one) is kind of the poorest, as this one actually does have a plot outside of the romance/smut to an extent dealing with writer's block, depression, financial hardship etc. The MC "man splaining" women's sexuality as his new found career in erotic fiction, well I guess it's no worse than straight women writing "yaoi".... it was majorly cringe though in the drama.
