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I mean Ik there is gonna be a romance in this story but I’m wondering why they couldn’...

Bunbun May 21, 2021 10:58 pm

I mean Ik there is gonna be a romance in this story but I’m wondering why they couldn’t have added the romance part when they were older like sixteen or sum because they are literally like 12 or 13 years old matter of a fact I think Arthur is like 11 if I’m not mistaken so I don’t rly see Tessa saying I love you and kissing Arthur when he is literally unable to move in bed isn’t rly a realistic thing to ever happen especially if she excepts Arthur not to avoid her cause if I was him I would have avoided her to cause it’s kinda weird having a girl her age kissing you without consent especially with Arthur’s mindset being years older than his actual body and yes Arthur should have told Tessa it was wrong to do that and how he felt but then again she is a 12 year old girl who doesn’t even know wth she was doing herself abt the situation so in my opinion they should’ve just sat down and talked abt the situation instead of of lashing out and when they get older they can head back to the romance road
