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Just to support Enami, he really thought that their love was mutual. He misunderstood that...

heyyy June 4, 2016 12:43 pm

Just to support Enami, he really thought that their love was mutual. He misunderstood that Tada was confessing to him many times past. For Tada, I don't think he would've allowed Enami to go as far as to have sex with him if he didn't like him at least somewhat, even if the feeling was just admiration at first. Enami just seems to be the type that acts on his decisions immediately. However he can be thoughtful. I liked how in the second chapter, Enami gave Tada some space to truly sort out his feelings. Showed a little development in their relationship.
The extra was a treat.

And to those who couldn't get into the story, it's perfectly understandable. It just happened to appeal to me since I love super possessive lovers, and I've been getting into some yandere sh*t. Lol. It's not as if Enami is hurting his uke and it's not as if Tada is weak or girly (woot).
