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raku has to choose chitoge because it would make sense why this story was made. I mean, wh...

megapanda1616 June 3, 2016 2:06 pm

raku has to choose chitoge because it would make sense why this story was made. I mean, why would the author make raku fall in love with chitoge at this point, when raku has liked onodera from the beginning? If the author wanted him to end up with onodera, the author wouldn't go out of his way to make raku fall in love with chitoge (and onodera, which just makes raku seems like a wishy washy jerk) but now that raku is going to look for chitoge, there must be a good enough reason and that is to confess that he has fallen in love with chitoge more than is first love, making their relationship all the more worthwhile... but yeah if raku choose onodera, im gonna flip lol. Didn't mean to make this lengthy, im bad at explaining so my explanation becomes long.

    Iminlove June 3, 2016 3:13 pm

    I sooryyyy i want to vote thumbup butt i misssvote itt sorry that i vite thumbsdown is by accndently

    takame-ver02 June 5, 2016 10:12 pm

    i'm in the same line of thought so i'm really banking on chitoge on this one. it makes more sense that way.
    i hope they won't meet there just for raku to reject chitoge. *crosses fingers.