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Sorry for the long rant, I really needed to vent a little

Lady Kai May 20, 2021 4:14 pm

Ok, I see a lot of people hating on both/either of the leads, but everyone (myself included unfortunately) needs to remember how damaged these people are. They both are carrying a lot of emotional baggade.
I mean, Maxi has been neglected and abused her whole life. With that kind of trauma it's natural to have zero self-esteem and serious anxiety. Is it frustrating? Yes, it is. But it's also completely understandable. Honestly, the only reason her behavior was getting on my nerves was because (as a reader) I knew she has a lot of people on her side and willing to support her through everything, while all she needed to do was talk to them. However SHE doesn't know that (yet). That's what everyone needs to remember - as readers we know a lot more then the characters.
Now let's look at everything from Riftans perspective. We're talking about a man with serious social issues. As far as we have seen he didn't have much growing up. He crawled his way to the top using his own strength and as soon as he becomes a lord he is forced into a marriage because his wifes father doesn't want to go to war and would rather send his son-in-law in his place. He only gets to meet his wife and be with her for basically a few hours before going to war. When he gets back after three long years of risking his life, he found out that his wife hasn't been taking care of Their home, she hasn't even visited it let alone moved in (like a "normal" lady should have been done). Combine everything and it all looks very bad from Maxi side, especially since she doesn't really explain anything.
Now we basically have two people with zero communication skills. A lot of problems and worries wouldn't exist if these two people would just start talking with each other but I have a feeling we will have to wait a while for that to happen. I'm sure that there's a more we don't know. Sorry for the long rant, I was really frustrated after reading this work.

    poppy May 21, 2021 2:04 am

    THIS!!!! I hate it when people take the context of a story on a surface level. They take shit too seriously without understanding the nuances of the characters' personality ++ setting.