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What in the world LMAO

Ckamsss May 20, 2021 2:21 am

The plot is somewhat interesting but let that man rest for gods sake LOL idk if this going to end romantically bc he keeps fkn other girls but if it does idk who he should stay with bc the bully for obvious reasons and the girl from his college is manipulating asf with that blackmailing.

Nah but Fr let that man rest he’s been doing it everyday LMAO

    Mintix May 20, 2021 4:22 am

    The bully is also blackmailing him. They're ALL BLACKMAILING HIM. He has no backbone to stick up to himself and say no. Bully blackmailed him to fuck in "I'm gonna tell my mom you jumped me", the college girl recording them and giving it to the mom, the Russian lady by having a video and ALSO threatening to show the mom, damn, the mom will probably record it saying she'll send it to the police.

    This man, is the real victim. And his dick.

    Ckamsss May 20, 2021 4:45 am

    No bc fr it’s messed up but as you said he never had the courage to say no (I get it trauma) but man if it really turns romantic later on it’s going to be fucked up him making that decision.

    Also I forgot to add to my other comment it was “the bully for obvious reasons we know she’s bad so she’s a no for me” lol